UAV inspection with the whole team

Livestream HD video from UAVs to team members watching on almost any device, anywhere in the world.


Livestreamed High Definition video for UAV inspection

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have revolutionised safety inspections on power lines and pipelines. But even with operators inspecting miles of infrastructure and reporting findings to their team, without onsite expertise problems can take too long to resolve. 

Harvest’s Nodestream™ enables high definition video and data to be livestreamed from the operator to your team members anywhere in the world on any network, satellite, terrestrial, private, or public. Now operators, UAVs, and the entire team can be reliably connected.


A new standard operating procedure for UAV inspection

Your entire remote inspection team, your clients, and any necessary third-party can now securely join your live UAV inspections. Whether they’re in a control room back at base, in their offices watching on their laptops, or even working from home, the team can see developments happening in real-time to offer resolutions, operational direction, and control like never before. Harvest’s UAV inspection solution enables safe and efficient Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations that set new standards for the industry.

Our encoding software for wearable devices allows UAV operators to be connected live back to base for simultaneous review and decision making.

The portable satellite gateway enables livestreaming from the field by optimising the available satellite bandwidth to deliver HD video and data.

Optimise and allocate your bandwidth with our app to precisely provision available bandwidth to the operations, devices, or users who need it most.

Provides secure point-to-cloud video distribution so you can include more team members in more locations.

Pipeline inspection

The energy sector has billions of dollars worth of assets in remote locations. The professionals managing these assets often can’t physically set eyes on them, but they still have to make decisions about upkeep and repair. Any information that helps inform decision making is advantageous.

Utility and powerline inspection

The Harvest UAV inspection solution protects the safety of inspectors

With drones, the role of the technician can switch from potentially putting themselves in precarious, dangerous positions, into what they do best: diagnostics and analysis. Better safety leads to a happier and more conscientious workforce, in addition to overall reduced costs and better quality of work. 

Discover how Harvest can help you optimise your remote operations

Windmills and Workers