Maritime Inspections, Anywhere, Anytime.
Real-time monitoring and decision making
Simple, Reliable and Secure Live Streaming
It’s not always possible to put the right experts, engineers, and clients together in the field or even at a central remote location. That’s why you need a secure and easy method to stream live video and audio to on-shore personnel to enable every stakeholder to participate from anywhere and on almost any device. Harvest’s Nodestream is easily scalable to your video distribution network to include everyone who needs to view it. All that’s required is a web connection and log-in credentials.
With ultra-low bandwidth video streaming, maritime companies can operate safely and more efficiency than ever before.
Nodestream™ optimises your existing bandwidth to deliver real-time secure high-quality high-definition video and audio - reducing consumption by up to 80%.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency
- Reduction in unplanned downtime/breakdown/off-hire with access to real-time remote technical support and problem solving
- Eyes on the job enabling critical decision-making
- Centralisation of the project workforce – allocation of best qualified personnel for the task
- Customer/client access to streaming without needing to be onboard
- Reduction in crew and vessel size for various operations
- Creation of permanent auditable records
- Reduction in cost of personnel required offshore or for experts to transit to offshore to provide technical support
- Improved employee retention

Improved Safety
- Removal of crew and personnel from remote offshore and hazardous environments
- Real-time video and audio telemedical support for offshore emergencies and medical events
- Immediate assistance to manage onboard incidences
- Ability for personnel to work remotely improving in work/life balance and mental health
- Reduction in HSE man hours offshore

Secure Ultra-Low Bandwidth
- Quick and easy to install and use
- Can be installed on existing network
- Enables video transmission where otherwise not possible with standard video systems
- Central system to control bandwidth, frame rate and latency
- Algorithms survive 90% packet loss during transfer
- 100% proprietary technology

Reduced Carbon Footprint
- Reduction in need to consume fuel and oils by using smaller vessels for operations, fewer transfer vessels with personnel and supplies, and reduced air travel for crew/personnel
- Improvement in bandwidth utilisation to support ship management systems and emissions performance data monitoring/reporting
- Reduction in number of port calls